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About Terrie The Artist's Journey

Everyone has a story! Terrie’s will be told in a unique series of music booklets which will accompany each of her albums. There will be a scriptural message and a personal story behind each song beginning with this debut album called “Beyond This Prison.” The first song and story book is scheduled to be published in 2022, if not sooner. Each book will have illustrations by Robert Hall as well as hand-written lead sheets by Dolly Mae Terlizzi so that you can sing and play along just like when you were a kid!
Terrie’s short story is that she was a traumatized infant who at birth became a sickly baby and child, then a severely injured ballerina who after a terrible car accident at age fifteen, where she remembers leaving her body.
In 2011 Terrie became a believer in God and his Son Jesus Christ, and in 2013 she entered her first Christian marriage to another lost Truth-seeker. Six months later she would be rushed to the hospital with a three day old, ruptured appendix, and on this deathbed Terrie would promise God that if she lived, she would write her long intended book on pain relief for Him… and the rest is His-story. A year later, fervent prayers had brought Terrie a personal encounter with the King of kings, as well as with demon spirits she never knew were just as real as the One who endured the greatest suffering of all on the cross of our shame and salvation.
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